Helping Stars Reach their potential
Registered Scottish Charity SCO37477 Contact 07411118135
Community Involvement
The heart of the Community With the Community at Heart
ACES together with our sub committee Woodwynd Community Association, continue to support the community of Kilwinning and surrounding areas. Each year the community centre is transformed into a winter wonderland complete with ice rink, giant snowmen and tobboggan run as well as fair rides and entertainment, these large events serve dual purposes firstly to raise community spirit and also to raise awareness to the different services availabe to the local residents, the events also give restpite to worrying parents at christmas which is a costly time for Families.
''When I heard the plans to have a winter wonderland in a housing scheme I didn't believe it but come saturday morning an ice rink, log cabin, lights, ski slope, tobboggon run 60ft high and a giant snowman as well as fair rides hats off it was some effort''....local resident
In 2010 a group of young footballers many unemployed visited Canton Michigan USA to take part in a soccer festival, Woodwynd Wolves were supported by the local community and each player raised the funds for the visit Canton soccer donated hotel fees. and this favour was returned in 2011 when 117 americans visited Kilwinning to see at first hand our culture and ways oh and try and spot a haggis ! the friendship still exists today